HADES $avior$elf

Heavy Metal, speed metal

  Song List

1.   Saviorself
2.   Decline & Fall Of The American Empire
3.   Our Father
4.   Active Contrition
5.   To Know One
6.   In The Words Of The Profit
7.   Agnostic, The
8.   Y2K
9.   End Of The Bargain
10.   Fail
11.   Atheist, The

Album Notes

Long-running speed metal band Hades was originally formed in 1978 by vocalist Paul Smith and guitarist Dan Lorenzo, then high schoolers in Paramus, NJ. A 1982 opening date for Twisted Sister greatly raised the band's local visibility, and with drummer Tom Coombes and bassist Lou Ciarlo on board, Hades issued its debut seven-inch Deliver Us from Evil. Appearances on the Metal Blade compilation Metal Massacre VI and Megaforce's Born to Metalize followed before the group -- now consisting of Lorenzo, Coombes, vocalist Alan Tecchio, guitarist Scott LePage and bassist Jimmy Schulman -- signed to Torrid Records and issued their debut LP Resisting Success in 1987. Guitarist Ed Fuhrman replaced LePage for the 1988 follow-up If at First You Don't Succeed, but while touring Europe Hades disbanded; Lorenzo soon formed a new group, Non-Fiction, which issued its debut EP Green in 1989. After a stint with the group Watchtower, Tecchio returned to New Jersey and joined Non-Fiction as well; each year, Hades also played a reunion show at Newark's Studio One (1991's show yielded the Live on Location disc), and when Non-Fiction dissolved upon completing their album It's a Wonderful Life, Lorenzo and Tecchio reformed Hades with Fuhrman, LePage (now on bass) and drummer Dave Lecsinsky. The reunion effort SaviorSelf followed in early 1999; The Downside appeared a year later.

Condición: Nuevo, en empaque original.
Precio:  $ 80.00 pesos
Envío fuera de Hermosillo: 18.00 pesos correo en certificado
Contacto: tiempo _ muerto@yahoo.com



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