NINE INCH NAILS the fragile
Industrial Metal, Alternative Pop/Rock, Industrial
  Song List

1.   Somewhat Damaged
2.   Day The World Went Away, The
3.   Frail, The
4.   Wretched, The
5.   We're In This Together
6.   Fragile, The
7.   Just Like You Imagined
8.   Even Deeper
9.   Pilgrimage
10.   No, You Don't
11.   La Mer
12.   Great Below, The

1.   Way Out Is Through, The
2.   Into The Void
3.   Where Is Everybody?
4.   Mark Has Been Made, The
5.   Please
6.   Starfuckers, Inc.
7.   Complication
8.   I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally
9.   Big Come Down, The
10.   Underneath It All
11.   Ripe (With Decay)

Album Notes

THE FRAGILE was nominated for the 2000 Grammy Award for Best Alternative Music Performance. "Starfuckers, Inc." was nominated for the 2000 Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance

Trent Reznor's brainchild, Nine Inch Nails, has had a lasting influence on the alternative rock scene ever since the band rocketed to critical acclaim with PRETTY HATE MACHINE. 1999's THE FRAGILE is a double-CD that boasts 23 tracks of pure energy and creativity. Reznor said of THE FRAGILE, "I wanted to try new things, fully utilizing the studio while putting more effort into melody and structure." From song one, it's clear that he's accomplished just this. Tracks like "Into the Void" are replete with sounds and textures that no NIN album to this point contained

THE FRAGILE took more than two years to put together and includes songs bursting with melody and life. There are graceful and haunting tracks like "La Mer" and "The Great Below" and songs of despair and hopelessness like "Somewhat Damaged" and "No You Don't." Other highlights include "Starfuckers, Inc.," "Where Is Everybody," and "The Day the World Went Away."

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